This thread is intended to provide the Constable with candidates for Chief Marshals. The daily wage is £19.
Explained here -
Requirements are that you are active, able to perform this duty each day (ie, don't have a profession, don't work your own fields etc) and preferably can do this job for a lengthy period of time (don't need replacing often).
There are currently no stat/level requirements.
Allthough the best suiteble candidate will be selected.
The duties involved are to be the Chief Marshal and help defend your town each day, as explained in the link above.
Candidates should be able to let the Constable know in advance if they will need replacing (a couple of days) so he can find a new Chief Marshal.
County is currently looking for 1 Chief Marshal and 1 in reserve (unpaid but willing to step in if needed)) per town. If you're interested mail the Constable. If more than two people apply from a town those who aren't chosen will be noted for when the Marshals need replacing.
Things you should know before applying.
Once hired you receive a mail - you then go to duchy > travel > groupes to accept the job offer.
The jobs last from when they are accepted until the Marshal quits or is removed - not one day jobs as with others.
You need to click defend the power (duchy > travel > groupes > actions) each day, unless you intend to quit - once this has been pressed you cannot take another action until after reset.
Another thing needed is for the marshal to make a copy of the townlist each day and post it in the SAS forum (Preferreble just after reset).
This way we can keep track of unwanted or just suspicious elements.
Aren't paid at reset as with other jobs. Each day the Constable presses a button which pays wages immediately to all marshals currently hired - providing he has been allocated a budget.
If you quit the job make sure you do this after wages are paid for that day - if you quit before you aren't paid.