About military, Action pts is part of SAS system not in-game feature. Your rank influence game RP and then your action in-game.
England does have a capital coded but not implement. LongJohnSilver offically is king of England and adminstrator of the game. There's concern of his dual role, however, it's up to he to give in. There's always debate about player king. Parliament currently work with Regent to control the whole kingdom, but such group is not effective so far.
However, due to various factors, England maintian its peace and order, so does rest of Europe. My informations are not complete, but at least I can say Somerset and Cornwall are debt free, Sussex is in very good shape. In general, England is far better off than those new created kingdoms. As it grows, cap between France and England in economy and military has shortened.
There're two forms of army, goverment own and private. Although most of private army claimed to be loyal to the king, however, many of them are constant in conflict with the states. When I say constant, it's not everyday issue. It's just since they're not one, they always intend to trouble each other.
War currently is out of reach for all people. Until adminstrator release further information, you're not going to see any. RP is slight different than actual action. In forum, it may ssem there might be a fight; in reality, either group move a troop in-game.
Monk is L-3 trait, detail is not clear. One option is said to brew beer.