Committee for activity in Somerset
Ok fellow counsellors, the activity in Somerset is very low.
Few role-play, no sport and no competition.
I think will be good to create a committee that will have a sub-forum here in Bristol castle.
This committee don’t need to be under the control of the council but council must push is start to be created and help it starting for good.
That committee will be in charge to think and organize different activity.
Like competition, archery, knight fight other thing like that.
But also festivity and games.
They can ask council to help for prizes and support. What I hope we will all gives.
The sub forum should include a private section too. Sometime is good to make surprise.
So what council will need to do.
1. Support this committee and provide them with help.
2. Announce it and publish this committee and try to recruit people in it.
3. provide prizes and other thing they need
What do you think fellow counsellor any other suggestion on this matter?